Our Best Weapon is Patience

The internet has been the driving force in American culture for about 30 years now. It’s the best thing that ever happened to us. It’s also the worst thing that’s ever happened to us.

There are so many benefits to having instant information at our fingertips. You hungry? Type your order in the app, the food will be ready when you get there. No waiting. Heck, they’ll even deliver it to you. Miss your favorite TV show? You don’t have to wait for the rerun. It’s there on demand any time. Need to renew your driver license? Do it on the website. No waiting in line at the DMV. Nope, you don’t have to wait for just about anything anymore.

And therein lies the problem, the source of so much frustration for all of us when it comes to dealing with the threat of the Covid 19 virus. We have run into something we can’t fix by pulling out our phones and clicking on the app. We are told to stay in our homes. We are told to keep our social distance from each other. But most painfully of all, we are told to wait. And we can’t stand it. Patience, the ability to wait, has been bred out of us. We simply don’t know how to do it anymore.

What? The virus may not peak and run its course until June or July? We might have to keep this self quarantine stuff up for another 4 to 5 months? We can’t comprehend that. Even President Trump can’t wait. He is publicly setting Easter Sunday as a target to begin reopening the country. Yet every time he mentions that prospect, you can see the health officials behind him wince a bit. I picture a thought bubble above their heads saying “please don’t say that….not gonna happen.” The frenzy in our grocery stores is evidence that we just can’t wait for the supply to catch up to the demand. We have to hoard. Let the next guy fend for himself.

We’re going to have to relearn this virtue the hard way. The virus isn’t going anywhere. There is no vaccination and won’t be for awhile. The economy will likely continue to decline in the short term. People will continue to lose their jobs in the immediate future. But there is a corner to be turned, and we will turn it. We just have to wait for it.

So take a very……….deep……….breath…………now exhale slowly…………..let yourself relax. Realize this: You are healthy. You have people you love and who love you. God’s beautiful world still unfolds around you. There will be many tomorrows to pursue your hopes and dreams. Everything that can be done is being done by the brightest medical minds on our planet. You have no control over that. So don’t worry about it.

We won’t win this battle with fear, lack of cooperation, panic and anxiety. We will win it by waiting it out. Patience is our best weapon. Find it deep down in your arsenal. It may save your life.

3 thoughts on “Our Best Weapon is Patience”

  1. Once again, you have hit the proverbial nail on the head, my friend! My ‘go to’ phrase is ‘we are a microwave society.’ We want everything now. Patience is a virtue not many of us have anymore. I hope you and Sharon are well and that we meet in a church coffee bar near you as soon as this thing is over! Take care!

  2. So that’s why I have been having to learn patience these past several years! I don’t mind the wait. Very good advice. Thank you and stay safe!

  3. Oh Ken you just know the right things to say. I feel better already! Yes this is scary for everyone and no one knows when things will get better – if ever! Thank you for your inspirational words of wisdom.

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