One Minute of Your Time Please

How many times have you heard the term “Mother Nature”? Who is this woman? Where does she live? What does she do?

Mother Nature is the term given to the perfect design and order of all that exists. The dictionary calls it a “personification”. That means attributing human qualities to something that is not human. For example, “The flowers danced in the breeze”.

There are those who think Jesus is a personification. But where there is design and order, there must be a designer. Science tells us nothing can create itself, much less create with perfect order. Jesus is not a personification. He is the real Mother Nature. Ironically, Jesus loved to personify, as when he told the Pharisees that, if they stopped people from proclaiming the kingdom of heaven, “the rocks will cry out.” (Luke 19:40)

Sometimes, in our world today, you can almost hear them sobbing.

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