One Minute of Your Time Please

Two goldfish are having a conversation in a fishbowl. The first goldfish says “I don’t believe there is a God. How can I believe in someone I never see?” To which the second goldfish replies “Oh yeah? Well, if there’s no God, who changes the water every week?”

They didn’t have it exactly right, but they were on the right track. We may not see God, but we can recognize Him by what He does. He will prove His existence to you today…..if you’re paying attention.

One Minute of Your Time Please

The median age of people in the United States is 38 years old. That means there are roughly the same amount of Americans under 38, as there are over it. Most would consider 38 to be quite young. So you might as well get used to it. The country skews young. In fact, it always has. In 1960 the median age was 30.

Instead of resenting the young for their independence, energy and freedom, embrace them. Be the person you would like them to become. They still have many choices to make in life. Show them what the right choices look like.

One Minute of Your Time Please

There’s nothing quite so amazing in this world as laughter. No matter what it does to us, we still feel happy. If you’ve ever experienced something that sent you into uncontrollable laughter, you understand this.

Prolonged, intense laughing will eventually confuse your brain so much that you will begin to shed tears, which usually indicates the opposite emotion. Because laughter involves expelling air, ultimately you will get short of breath. At a certain point you will begin to clutch your sides because heavy laughter makes your ribs hurt. Isn’t it strange that, despite all of these physical developments, we remain euphoric and upbeat.

So find something that makes you laugh today. Make someone else laugh. It hurts so good.

One Minute of Your Time Please

There is now an actually recognized psychological condition known as Facebook Depression. Studies have shown that people who spend the most time on Facebook tend to be less satisfied with their lives. It’s understandable. A constant diet of reading how perfect everybody else’s lives, kids and experiences are can certainly make you wonder why your life isn’t that happy and great. Or scanning a daily dose of posts from those who are sick, or who have lost loved ones, or who spew political hate, can surely get you down.

On the other hand, studies also show that those who spend more time reading the Bible and praying tend to feel happier and more at peace with their lives.

One Minute of Your Time Please

In ten to fifteen years self-driving cars are expected to become common on our streets and highways. Imagine that. Being able to just tell your vehicle where you want to go, and then completely surrendering control over your travel to a machine, trusting it will get you there safely and on time. Chances are we won’t understand the technology nor the workmanship required to build such a car. But that won’t matter to us. We’ll put complete faith in it anyway.

God would like to be your driver. Unlike your car, you don’t have to tell Him where you need to go. He already knows. In fact, he’s already trying to take you there right now.